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6th Grade Basketball
Practice & Game Schedule

BGCC Cunha Athletics 2024-2025
To participate in tryouts students must be a current Boys & Girls Club member. Registration is good for one academic school year, from August 2024 until July 2025. You only have to pay this membership fee of $45 with BGCC one time per year. The second part of the registration process is a $150 per player, per sport fee, due no later than the first day of practice. Financial assistance is available by request.

BGCC Athletic Policy

*BGCC does not let financial requirements impede on the status of making a team. Please talk with BGCC if you cannot pay the sports fee.
*BGCC no permite que los requisitos financieros obstaculicen el estado de creación de un equipo. Hable con BGCC si no puede pagar la tarifa deportiva.
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